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Checklist for hiring a good freelance B2B, B2C demand generation marketeer

It's now been over 3 months since I stepped away from a full-time employment role into the world of a freelance B2B, B2C, demand generation marketeer and during that time, I've talked to a wide range of founders, CEOs and entrepreneurs & I have realised how daunting it is for any senior exec to hire a marketeer. Marketing and cost go together like a horse and a carriage & there's lots to choose from. How do you know if you are getting it right?

So, to help, here's my checklist for when you are searching for a freelance B2B or B2C marketeer.

1. When considering a marketeer, look at their credentials. Are they trained? Do they know Porter's Five Forces? Do they understand Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs? Or know about Google's "see think do care framework?" Marketing isn't just about doing, it's about understanding the impact it has on the bigger picture.

2. What evidence of success have they got? Metrics rule on this. Can they give you examples of when they really moved the dial for any client? Things to look out for are: lead to deal conversion, channel optimisation, CPC, CAC, YoY Growth, LTV, Churn rate, CPA, Bounce rate, Site audience growth and anything that is revenue related.

3. How resourceful are they? Can they talk about how they made the marketing budget work harder & go further?

4. How well do they fit with your culture? Inevitably, a marketeer has to interact with various departments so are they people friendly? Do you like them?

5. Do they have a track record of team management? Look at their Linkedin recommendations.

6. Do they do great work? Marketing is about a passion to deliver and drive positive commercial results into a business and great work is at the heart of this.

7. How well do they market themselves? Look across their own channels to get some understanding of how well they put their knowledge into practice

8. Google them. Any good marketeer will have a footprint!

9. Do they understand the bigger picture? A commercially astute marketeer will get that marketing and sales are two sides of the same coin & one cannot be successful without the other.

10. Do they ask the right questions? Any good marketeer will do their homework before you have a conversation with them.

So aside from the usual CV, do some homework on them. Then judge if they really want your business or if it's the money. A good marketeer will be a perfect mix of a commercially astute, deadline-driven deliverer, people player, data-obsessed thinker and out of the box creator.

And if you like what you have read, agree with all my points and are looking for one such person, then get in touch.


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