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Friday Thought - When the buyer's intent is not enough

As a B2B demand generation marketeer, you naturally want to get a handle on your ICP, buyer personas, and critical stakeholder & influencer group. You, quite rightly, obsess over firmographics and intent signals. Some of us have created complex lead scoring models to try and understand what brand touches drive conversion. And sometimes, that time-consuming data rabbit hole leads to a dead end.

But there is one thing that can sometimes get overlooked & something that my esteemed commercial peers often remind me of. 

As well as buyer intent & firmographics, you must focus on buyer readiness.

Too often, I have heard the following:

“They are not prepared for the systems change. They are worried about the time it takes to onboard. They didn’t realize the complexity. They do not have the resources. They are just not ready”.

As a marketeer, this raises the question of how we track and measure buyer readiness. And what can marketing do to help the buyer to become ready?

Sometimes, the simplest solution is the one that gets overlooked. As a marketeer, buyer readiness must also be your fixation. You need to engage and inform & help your potential buyer get ready.

This is done by clearly outlining what systems are needed. What time does it take? What resource might be needed? What key questions internally need to be asked?

And this content must be inhalable. Don't make them overthink and bamboozle them with jargon.

The result of thinking about buyer readiness is that the leads you get are better qualified and much more likely to convert.



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